Thursday, September 9, 2010

Almost Friday

I am astounded at how fast this week is flying by.  Tomorrow is Friday - already!  And Friday signifies our Life Skills day, which means COOKING LESSONS!  The kids have been asking for two days now to do another cooking lesson (it is easy to deduce that this is their all time favorite HS lesson) and so tomorrow their wish will be granted.  On the menu for tomorrow is banana nut bread.  Not because I have any specific plans or lesson to teach, but because we have some very ripe bananas that are screaming to be used  soon - very soon.  I can't wait to sample the goodies!  Yum!

So, I mentioned that this week has flown by.  This is a good thing.  It means we actually had a good week without too much drama (except when I noticed that my son no longer knew how to properly hold a pencil - nor did he wish to adjust his grip... sigh).  We actually covered all lessons planned for the week, and even finished early on two days.  This was a great motivator for the kids (and me).  I am noticing an improved sense of cooperation and less resistance on the kids part (the pencil grip was self-rectified the following day) as we near the end of week two of HS.  Oh JOY!  We CAN do this!

The reason I make the above comment is that I just read a wonderful article at The Pioneer Woman, entitled "Erasing the fear of Homeschooling".  It has taken me two solid years to finally find a sense of confidence in my ability to teach my children and to loose that frantic feeling of "Am I doing it right?".  If only I had seem this article two years ago...  Confidence does come, it sometimes takes a while in getting here though.  Take a peek, perhaps it will help lay some fears to rest for you too.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you trusting yourself! Even if you had that article 2 years ago you still would have struggled, because that's what is necessary to come to that place of trust & deprogram ourselves. I think this is a common experience in almost all homeschooling families. So happy you guys are back in the fold. Hope to see you sometime before book club. Love ya!
